Thursday, March 3, 2016

chiragh khana--

--eyes  that  could  not  see  the images  in dreams  scatter  them all
-manifestations  of  you  and  your  beauty  show  them all
-heart  is  deep  ocean, a  flowing  river of  emotions
-holding  on  just  one  tide of  it  spend  your  life  all
-both  ashar  and  pyari  for  past  ten years  had  thirsted  for  their  parental love, when she  was  just  eleven and  ashar  eighteen their  mother  had   painfully died  of  cancer  , some  time  later  their  professor  father  met  with an  accident  and  they  were  left  orphans, their  grandparents  on mother's  and  father's  side  were  thankfully  quite  well off,  it  is  said  that  beauties  become  arrogant  of  their  power of  beauty, and  if  wealth is  added  to  such  arrogance  then it  can kill others  with conceit 

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